Revolutionising risk and Compliance Image

Revolutionising risk and Compliance

Introducing Beacon, a governance, risk and compliance RegTech system which Cyan Regulatory has developed in partnership with Decision Focus for the financial services industry.

View the brochure
Overview Image


Through Beacon, we have created template compliance framework documents, a risk library, a control library, and management reports and collected together the relevant legislation and regulation for both fund I corporate administrators and their regulated clients. All documents can
be customised to meet your precise requirements.

With just a few clicks, you can create a risk assessment, monitoring plan and control tests that fit the regulatory regime and the risks facing your business. Linkages connect documents so they can be updated simply and quickly.

Contact us today to book your demo of the Beacon system. 

Features Image


Beacon brings further efficiencies to your risk and compliance work through:

  • Compliance tracking and monitoring
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Real time status dashboards
  • Task management and workflows
  • Registers, reporting and analytics
  • Regulatory change management
  • Full audit trail

Expert hands-on support is offered both with the implementation of the system and on an ongoing basis.

Contact us

5 Anley Street, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, JE2 3QE